Sport England's Uniting the Movement

Sport England is embarking on a 10 year vision to create a happier, healthier country where “everyone has the opportunity, the inspiration and the freedom to get moving.” The vision involves breaking down current barriers of inequality, including background, gender, bank balance and postcode. Sport England will work with organisations, locally and nationally, and fulfil the true potential of movement.

Sport England have three key objectives:

Advocating for movement, sport and physical activity.

Sport England state they “have a responsibility to advocate for the transformational impact sport and activity can have on the nation’s health and wellbeing.”

Joining forces on five big issues.

The five big issues Sport England see as having the greatest potential are:

  • Recover and Reinvent
    Recover from the damage of covid-19 and reinvent as a vibrant network of organisations providing sport and physical activity.
  • Connecting Communities
    Show how sport and physical activity brings people together.
  • Positive Experience for Children and Young People
    Focus on the impact positive experiences have on children and young people.
  • Connecting with Health and Wellbeing
    Focus on the connections between sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing and the benefits of leading an active life.
  • Active Environments
    Protecting and creating new places where people can be active.

Creating the catalysts for change.

Sport England have detailed what needs to change in order to focus on the five issues listed above:

  • Effective investment models
    The correct kinds of investment provide opportunities to get active.
  • Realising the power of people and leadership
    The people who help and encourage others to be active are the key to achieving the ambitions detailed in the strategy.
  • Applying innovation and digital
    As times are changing, it is essential innovation is applied to the big issues.
  • High-quality data, insight and learning
    Sport England say “Key to collaborative action is a shared understanding of the opportunities and the challenges that we face together.”
  • Good governance
    Good governance is how intentions and ambitions are enshrined into ways of working.

Sport England have planned out three principles into how they will deliver the vision:

  • Invest most in those who need it most
  • Achieve the right blend of national and local action
  • Simple as standard, so the basic information, guidance and support is easy to receive

Sport England’s vision links very closely with our five year strategy ‘UEA, Sportspark and You’ from 2018. Our strategy includes broadening participation, improving wellbeing and serving the community. Our strategy can be found here.

Find the report summary here and the full report here. More details about the vision and Sport England will measure the success can be found here.

For accessible versions please click here.

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